Complain about us

We believe everyone contacting or dealing with CILEx Regulation is entitled to expect excellent customer service. This includes complainants, regulated members and firms, other legal professionals and stakeholders.

We will deliver our commitment by:

  • making it easy for you to do business with us
  • making sure you get the right advice and information
  • treating you fairly, and with courtesy and respect
  • doing what we say we will do
  • being open and honest about what we can and cannot do
  • listening and learning
  • having regulatory arrangements and decision-making processes that are fair and consistent

What to do if things go wrong

As an independent regulator, we want to provide the best possible service, but we know that sometimes things can go wrong. If they do, we want you to tell us so we can sort them out as quickly as possible.

Tell us if you have a problem, so we can look into it for you. In line with our complaints policy, we will aim to resolve the issue informally. If we cannot do this, we will review your complaint formally, in line with our complaints process below.

Informal resolution

If you are not satisfied with our service, contact us at, by letter or on tel 01234 845770. Tell us how you see the problem and how you think we can resolve it.

Stage 1

If we cannot resolve your complaint informally, we will:

  • acknowledge it within five working days
  • respond within 15 working days or tell you when a full response will be sent
  • when responding fully, tell you whether we find your complaint justified, partly justified or not justified

Stage 2

If you are unhappy with our Stage 1 response, you can ask us to review it.  We will:

  • acknowledge your request within three working days
  • refer your request to a Director of Service who had no operational involvement with your matter, or if they dealt with the complaint at Stage 1, it will be reviewed by our Chief Executive
  • respond within 20 working days, or tell you when a full response will be sent
  • when responding fully, tell you whether your request for a review of our Stage 1 response has been upheld, partly upheld or not upheld

Stage 2 concludes the process and there is no further right of review from a decision at Stage 2. 

Feedback from complaints will be used to help us improve, to develop the services we provide, and to avoid similar problems happening in the future.

We are also pleased to receive compliments or comments about our service.

Unreasonable behaviour policy

Most of the contact we have with users of our services is positive but very occasionally someone acts in a way we consider unacceptable. We understand that people sometimes get frustrated and we want to hear our service users’ concerns so that we can put things right. We will not, however, accept behaviour which is considered threatening or abusive to staff.

Our policy sets out the actions we will consider taking if someone using our service behaves in a manner we consider to be unacceptable or makes service requests or complaints that we consider vexatious.