You might prefer to meet with your lawyer in person and you should think about how easy it will be to travel to their office.

Some lawyers may be prepared to visit you, and this will depend on your situation. If you need a lawyer to visit you, think whether it will be possible for the lawyer to travel to your home.

You may prefer to contact your lawyer by phone, post or online and the location of the firm will not be as important.


Our regulated lawyers are required by the CILEx Code of Conduct to treat everyone equally and fairly. They have also have responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 to make sure they treat everyone fairly and without discriminating against you on the grounds of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation

If you have needs because of a disability that requires a lawyer, or firm, to make reasonable adjustments, you should tell them as soon as possible so they can make arrangements to meet your reasonable needs. This might involve, for example, increasing the font size of letters, sending communication online so that features to help access written information can be used, providing a ground-floor meeting room, or a hearing loop. It is sensible to explain to your lawyer how they could make a change that would help you access legal help.

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