Your application will provide us with detail about:
We will work with you on how best to put this together. We will ask for sight of your last PII application/renewal to understand in detail any previous claims history.
We will liaise with your existing regulator to confirm there are no issues that would prevent us considering a switch of regulator. We will keep them informed of the timeframe that we agree with you to switch regulation to us.
Once your application has been submitted, we will then arrange with you for any DBS checks to be put in place. Details can be found here.
The application forms and the handbooks that guide you through their completion can be found in the Resource Library.
We will be moving to an online application in 2019.
Have a chat with us about whether switching is appropriate for you. If we both think it is then we will give you a decision in principle.
We will suggest having a face-to-face meeting so we can have a more detailed discussion about your firm. This could be a visit to your firm or by Skype.
That will help us plan together what is required to make the switch as smooth as possible. Alongside the standard information that you would expect us to see, it will also enable us to quickly identify any particular questions we both may have and thereby make the process as simple as we can.
Full details of the application and appeals processes can be found within the CILEx Authorisation Rules.
Application fee here
Compensation Arrangements fee here
Please keep an eye on the website as fees will change on an annual basis.