To meet this Outcome you will need to show that you can use appropriate methods to communicate legal issues.
In your logbook sheet you should explain how the method of communication you have chosen is the most appropriate and effective (e.g. why you chose to write an email to a client rather than post a letter, perhaps you required a quick response).
You should attach supporting evidence that shows the method you used (e.g. an email to your client or an attendance note evidencing a telephone call).
Examples may come from different types of legal work as shown by following the links below:
Remember to read the guidance for each outcome to ensure you fully meet the criteria
If you wrote to the client and addressed more than one issue within the correspondence, you could possibly use this evidence towards meeting the following Outcome:
Outcome 2.3 Address all issues in communication
If you wrote or spoke to the client to take accurate instructions relating to a legal matter from the client, you could possibly use this evidence towards meeting the following Outcome:
Outcome 3.2 Take accurate instructions relating to a legal matter from clients or service users